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Dear #lennylambfamily!

From Wednesday, May 1st, to Sunday, May 5th, you won't find us at the computers and sewing machines - our employees are resting and celebrating. We will gladly address all inquiries after the holidays, starting on Monday.

Back carry - rucksack carry


Woven Wrap carry - rucksack carry

Every babywearing parent comes to the point where she/he starts thinking of putting the baby in a wrap on the back. One of the reasons for it is the fact that, as the baby grows, he/she gets more curious about the world and wants to look around and the back carry makes it much easier. It also gives more freedom to the parent as there is nothing that would limit the freedom of movement. This carry is suitable for children from the age of four months. And we want to show you how to wrap this carry :). This wrapping is fairly simple but what may seem more difficult is placing the baby on your back - but we’ve got our ways ;) For your first attempts you may want to use some help from another person to make yourself feel more secure.

In order to place your baby on your back:

  1. Place your child on your hip and cover its back with a material.Image title

  2. Put one tail on your shoulder.Image title

  3. Move your baby slowly onto your back. Use one hand to support your child.Image title

  4. Keep your baby close to your back by tightening both tails.Image title

And when the baby is already there on your back…

5. Place one tail over your shoulder, controlling the material’s tension. Keep the other tail between your knees. Tighten the tail on your shoulder by pulling the material strand by strand.

Gather the loose material behind your back near child’s neck and tighten the inner rail.

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6. Place the tightened tail between your knees and repeat the action with the other tail. Tighten it precisely by every inch.

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7. Grab both tails and twist them to the inside. Bring them to the back over the baby's thighs.

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8. Cross the tails under the baby’s bottom and carry them to the front between your child’s legs and your back.

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9. Tie a double knot in the front.

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Here is a hint - lean forward gently and remember to keep your back straight and knees bent while wrapping.

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