Babywearing without tying? Is it possible?


Babywearing without tying? Is it possible?

5m long wrap made to babywear a little baby and a newborn - this combination may frighten even the bravest one. Many think that tying a wrap is an easy-peasy. That’s true. But it needs patience and a willingness to master this art. You may feel uneager to do that. You may want something easier. If yes - think about the stretchy wrap.

Stretchy Wrap vs Woven Wrap

In both cases, we deal with a long piece of fabric (about  5m). A woven wrap is one of many weaves, for instance, broken-twill or jacquard. The stretchy wrap from LennyLamb is made of 100% soft knitted fabric. Threads are laid out in such a way as in a hand-knitted jumper. That is why the stretchy wrap is so stretchy.  

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Can I use the stretchy wrap for a newborn?

The stretchy wrap is made for the newborns! It’s narrower than the woven wrap, perfectly fits. It is also very soft, envelopes softly newborn’s and parent’s bodies. Three layers of the wrap support immature newborn’s spine very well.  It’s also cheap, which is extremely important in the case of young parents. We do not recommend babywearing when the temperatures are very high!

How to tie the stretchy wrap?

There is one basic type of tying. Check out our tutorial on how easily cope with the stretchy wrap.

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Is the stretchy wrap good for the older baby?

Basically, the stretchy wrap is a wrap for the newborn. You can use it for the babies less than 10kg. In case of the heavier babies, the stretchy wrap may not give comfortable support and can turn out to be bouncy. Many parents use LennyLamb Ergonomic Carrier size Baby from 4th month.  It’s also very easy and suits an older newborn’s needs better.

The stretchy wrap is a fantastic, easy solution when it comes to babywearing the newborns! Maybe this wrap is the best solution for you!

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